Questions about COVID-19 and bankruptcy? We have answers!

How will COVID-19 affect my bankruptcy?

As all of us find COVID-19 affecting more and more aspects of our lives, we’re left with more questions than answers lately. If you’ve been considering bankruptcy or are currently working on filing or making payments you may have even more questions. We’re here to help! If your financial circumstances have just changed dramatically we want you to know your options. We are working remotely and open for business. We’ll set up a phone consultation with an attorney right away, especially if you have questions specific to your case. But here are some answers to commonly asked questions to get you started.

Can I still file for bankruptcy during COVID-19?

Yes! We can help you file, all you have to do is call and we can get you started. Most courts, including the ones we primarily file with are still open. Many people are still working, albeit remotely. This means that we can help you file without having to see you in person, and without you having to go to the court itself. We ourselves are working from home, so everyone can stay safe but still be move forward into a better financial future. Click here for more detailed information about how the Bankruptcy Courts of Oregon are currently operating.

I’ve already filed bankruptcy, how will this outbreak affect my case?

The short answer is, we’re still learning how this affects our clients! But there are a few reassurances we can offer right away. First, you don’t need to contact your creditors, and any automatic stays already in effect will stay in place. Creditors cannot use this time or any changes in your circumstances to change the protections you have in place. Any meetings or court dates you have scheduled will be moved or scheduled as a phone meeting. You may be asked to sign a form allowing the courts to verify your identity since they cannot meet with you in person. We can help you figure out those changes.

The other thing that we can tell you now is you might have to be a little patient. Everyone is still learning how to work and function remotely. This means that there may be a few delays in aspects of your bankruptcy case. Our office is dedicated to helping you meet any deadlines the courts give, but the courts are short staffed and not everything will run as efficiently as it typically does. We’re all learning and trying to be patient, because we’re all doing our best to help each other in this new, uncharted territory.

I’ve filed Chapter 13 bankruptcy, how does COVID-19 affect my plan?

First, if you’ve lost your job or some of your income and are worried about making payments on your Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan, please contact us. We will help you work with your bankruptcy trustee to adjust as necessary. We all understand that these circumstances are beyond our control and we’re here to help. If you will be unable to make payments we will need to contact the trustee to make sure your case doesn’t get dismissed. The Oregon trustees we work with are being understanding and working with debtors who are experiencing difficult changes right now. There are options for adjusting your plan. Help is available, and just one call away!

See more information about how each Bankruptcy Trustee’s office is handling cases, and how they are adjusting for COVID-19 below:

Naliko Markel, Office of the Chapter 13 Trustee, District of Oregon-Eugene

Wayne Godare, Office of the Chapter 13 Trustee, District of Oregon-Portland

How will the COVID-19 stimulus checks affect my Chapter 13 payments?

According to Trustee Naliko Markel, “It is the Trustee’s opinion that Congress’ intent was to treat stimulus funds much like social security or other exempt funds.” This means you won’t have to give notice that you received this income, and the trustee is not going to be asking you to turn those funds over for payment on your Chapter 13 plan. You are welcome to use those stimulus funds to pay on your current case, but that is your choice. If you are currently delinquent on your payments, catching up would be an excellent use of some of your stimulus check.

Have more COVID-19 and bankruptcy questions? Call today.

Our job is to be a trusted resource for you, and we take that seriously. If you are worried about your financial circumstances or a bankruptcy case please call. We can set up an appointment to review your case individually, with an attorney, on the phone. Our entire staff is still working for our clients and available to take new clients. Don’t let questions or fear stop you from getting help today, call 503-385-8888.

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