Foreclosure Defense
Are you facing foreclosure and looking for a way to stop the clock and give yourself time to catch up? You’ve come to the right place! We provide foreclosure defense – that means that we can help create a plan to save your home. The first thing we’ll do is stop the clock and figure out why you’re in danger of losing your home. The why is important, because it will determine the best strategy for us. Many people can no longer afford their mortgage for whatever reason. Sometimes lenders engage in illegal conduct or make errors that force innocent people into foreclosure. Banks and lenders know the system and you may feel helpless to fight back. When you call Rank & Karnes Law, P.C. you can count on us to know your options and to fight for you and your family.

What is foreclosure defense?
In short, we’ll fight to help you keep your home! To do this we have several strategies up our sleeves. In particular, we have trusted attorney Keith Karnes. He has worked with Hope for Homeowners and has years of experience working with government agencies in Oregon to protect homeowners and help keep a roof over your head. Here are a few foreclosure defense strategies he recommends.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can help protect you from foreclosure.
Did you know when you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy legal actions like foreclosures must stop immediately? It acts as a stop for the clock that you may feel is ticking against you. When you file you create a plan to pay only what you can afford. This gives you time to catch up on missed payments. It can also buy you time to sell your home and recoup your equity. During a Chapter 13 filing we may be able to modify or adjust the terms of your mortgage so that you can breathe again. If you have more than one mortgage and you owe more than your home is worth you may be able to eliminate your second mortgage in the process. To learn more about Chapter 13, click below.
Loan Modification
Sometimes our clients have a mortgage they simply cannot afford. This can happen for a lot of reasons, but we can help. First, you should know that there are HUD-certified housing counselors who can work with you for free to modify your mortgage payment so that you can afford it. You can click here to see a list of Oregon HUD Approved Counseling Agencies. They can help you for free and direct you to other resources you may not be aware of.
We also have experience negotiating loan modifications. If you are getting behind on payments it is often in the best interest of both the lender and you to adjust the terms of your mortgage so that you can keep your home. When you call us, you no longer have to negotiate alone, we know what you can ask for and how to work with lenders. We’ll help you get a fair deal.
Foreclosure Defense Litigation
Are you in danger of losing your home because your lender or bank is acting illegally? We can help with that. We have experience filing lawsuits against lenders who are attempting to foreclosure based on errors they’ve made. Sometimes lenders try to foreclose when you are current on your mortgage, or they misapplied payments during bankruptcy. Sometimes lenders force insurance when you’ve already insured the property, or they pay incorrect amounts of property tax. If you think you are being foreclosed wrongfully, contact us. We will take the lender to court and protect you.
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We know that facing financial difficulties is hard, and you don’t have to do it alone. Schedule a consultation with us and we’ll help you create a brighter future.