Don't be afraid of the meeting of the creditors in bankruptcy proceedings! Rank & Karnes Law, P.C. Salem, Eugene & Medford Oregon

Meeting of the Creditors – what is it? Do I have to do it?

One of the things that makes people really nervous about bankruptcy is that anytime you’re involved in a legal process there are a lot of big, formal words and meetings that feel overwhelming and important. We are here to help you navigate those sometimes complicated processes! You don’t have to do anything intimidating in bankruptcy […]

Meeting of the Creditors – what is it? Do I have to do it? Read More »

Bankruptcy Review - What the process was actually like for a Rank & Karnes Law, P.C. client.

In Depth Bankruptcy Review: What is it like to file bankruptcy with us?

Are you nervous and wish you had a better picture of what would actually happen after you decide to talk to us about filing bankruptcy? Do you wish you could talk to someone who has been in your shoes? You’re not alone! Because bankruptcy feels so personal and sometimes painful it’s hard to find people

In Depth Bankruptcy Review: What is it like to file bankruptcy with us? Read More »

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