If you’re contemplating a divorce or separation, you may have done enough Googling already to know that hiring a lawyer isn’t required by law in the state of Oregon. You might actually be able to manage your divorce by yourself . However, there are a few reasons and situations where hiring an experienced divorce attorney will be incredibly important to the outcome of your new situation.
We understand, at the outset hiring an attorney feels expensive and possibly unnecessary. But in our long experience, hiring a competent attorney who keeps your financial wellbeing in mind can actually save you a lot of money and heartache in the long run. Let’s go over some of the reasons and situations where we would highly recommend you call us for a free consultation with an experienced divorce attorney.
If you have children and you’re getting divorced or separated, please consider a competent divorce attorney.
We hate to tell you this, but anytime there are kids involved in a divorce or separation, the proceedings just became what we call “complex”. If you have kids then your divorce is no longer simple or straightforward. There will likely be custody issues, parenting time agreements and child support to consider. Even if you and your partner are prepared to proceed amicably, an experienced attorney will help walk you through the ins and outs of all of these sometimes sensitive topics. We know that protecting and supporting your kids is your number one priority, and we’ll make it ours too. We’ve been through this before and know how to advise you!
If you have large amounts of debt, money or property, you need a divorce attorney.
We know that unfortunately, money can put a huge strain on a relationship, especially if that relationship is ending. Making sure that you get what you need and deserve isn’t always easy. This is especially the case when debt or property is on the line. We can help you get your fair share.
If your divorce or separation is not amicable, get a divorce lawyer. Doubly true if your former partner has an attorney.
Not all divorces are mutual decisions and not all relationships end nicely. We understand that separating two lives is a difficult process and when it’s not going smoothly you need help. This is especially true if your partner hires an attorney. When both sides have an attorney it levels the playing field and allows for much better, more fair agreements. If your separation has brought on a series of battles and emotional turmoil, you need us on your side.
If you are stressed or feel emotionally numb, it’s time to hire a lawyer.
We know that divorce and separation can be some of the most painful seasons of any person’s life. Divorce can also be a long and complicated process. If you’ve started down the path and you feel overwhelmed, depressed, stressed or even numb, then it is difficult to see and make good long term decisions. When you are in a sensitive or desperate place emotionally, you need a competent team on your side to guide you through. We promise to be here for you, every step of the way.
You don’t have to do this alone.
More than anything, we want you to know that you don’t have to go through a divorce or separation alone. We have experience and will bring compassion and expertise to this process. We also know that hiring an attorney feels daunting and expensive! That’s why we offer free family law consultations where we can go over your case in detail and let you know what to expect, including what your divorce might cost. We offer competitive fees and payment plans that work for just about everyone. Our goal is to get you on the path to healing as soon as possible.
If you’re ready to get your free divorce consultation, simply call us at 503-385-8888, or fill out a request on our contact page.
Professional legal guidance can make the process smoother and protect your rights effectively. This article provides valuable insights into the importance of hiring an attorney for divorce or separation.