Don't be afraid of the meeting of the creditors in bankruptcy proceedings! Rank & Karnes Law, P.C. Salem, Eugene & Medford Oregon

Meeting of the Creditors – what is it? Do I have to do it?

One of the things that makes people really nervous about bankruptcy is that anytime you’re involved in a legal process there are a lot of big, formal words and meetings that feel overwhelming and important. We are here to help you navigate those sometimes complicated processes! You don’t have to do anything intimidating in bankruptcy alone, we have your back every step of the way. One of those things that sounds intimidating is the Meeting of the Creditors, and it’s a required part of every bankruptcy process. We’re here to walk you through the process so it feels accessible!

What is the Meeting of the Creditors?

The Meeting of the Creditors sounds like a formal meeting with lots of people in suits there to judge your financial decisions, right? In reality it is nothing like that. First, most Meeting of the Creditors are now online virtual meetings. Creditors rarely actually attend the meeting, and you don’t have to do the meeting alone – we’ll sit down with you!

The Meeting of the Creditors is actually a meeting with a bankruptcy trustee, someone appointed by the court to ensure that you’ve filed bankruptcy correctly and honestly. The trustee goes over with you, and your attorney, all the paperwork you’ve submitted to the bankruptcy court. They verify your identity and the accuracy of all your paperwork. This meeting usually only lasts 10-15 minutes.

You don’t have to do it alone.

This meeting does not have to be intimidating or stressful – if you’re prepared. The most important thing we can do to ensure that the Meeting of the Creditors really is no big deal, is to prepare and to have accurate paperwork ready to go. That’s why your bankruptcy attorney matters. At Rank & Karnes Law, we make sure all our clients have all the education and preparation they need to approach this and other aspects of bankruptcy with all the confidence in the world. You’ll know what’s coming and you’ll have everything you need. We’ll be by your side to make sure of it.

Watch a meeting and learn more about the Meeting of the Creditors.

The US Bankruptcy courts know how nervous people are about this meeting, so they’ve created resources for you. Click this link to go to a short article that explains (mostly what we just explained) about the Meeting of the Creditors. However, they also have multiple videos that not only explain the process, but allow you to watch an entire meeting. They have two different videos for those filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy and those filing for Chapter 13. You’ll know exactly how it goes and get to see the process.

We can help make it easy.

When you retain Rank & Karnes Law, it’s our job to make the process easy. Having the right people on your team makes every aspect of bankruptcy, including the Meeting of the Creditors much easier, and much less intimidating. Call to let us support your financial journey today!

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